大縄オーケストラ/The Group Jump-Rope Orchestra
The Group Jump-Rope Orchestra is an entertainment system that mixed a group jump rope and an orchestra together. As the number of participants increase, the orchestra sound will be grander.
[English ver.] (NEW!)
[Japanese ver.]
A group jump rope is a sport that several people jump into a long rope one by one and jump together. Similarly, an orchestra performs a music with a group of people play instruments together.
By mixing there together, we want participants to feel "togetherness" and have fun with this system.
Ayaka SATO, Anna YOKOKUBO, Itiro SIIO,The Group jump rope orchestra - an interactive system to present a sense of togetherness -, ACE2010(Creative Showcase)(査読あり)[pdf]横窪 安奈, 佐藤 彩夏, 椎尾 一郎, 大縄オーケストラ: 身体動作と音楽を融合したインタラクティブシステムの提案, エンタテインメントコンピューティング2010.(デモ展示)(査読なし)[pdf]
大縄オーケストラがTBS「革命×テレビ」に出演しました。(2010.10.24)"The Group Jump Rope Orchestra" was introduced in a TV program called "Kakumei TV".
We have received "Mirai-Kankyaku prize (No.1 votes from visitors)" at IVRC2010.